Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jesus on Prayer and Fasting

Jesus on Prayer and Fasting
Matthew 6:5-18

  1. Don’t be like the Hypocrites. In Greek, “don’t be an actor/pretender” it’s a stage word. One who acts a part or isn’t really authentic. Is this talking about all public prayer?
  2. The daily times of prayer were at 9:00 and 3:00, so these “holy men” would time it so they were in the most public place during those times. They wanted to be seen/heard by men, to enhance their status as “righteous”. Why do you think they did that?
  3. Jesus’ message: Prayer is between You and God, not others. We should not try to preach through prayer. He also indicates that we receive a “reward” for prayer.
  4. Go into your room, close the door: literally “Closet” or “Storage-room”... get off by yourself, and away from distractions, where you can be REAL with God.
  5. Do not keep on babbling (1 Kings 18:26, Acts 19:34) like the pagans. God cares about our genuine heart. In fact, it’s not the mouth at all that prays, but the heart! (Rom 8:26)
    1. Rabbit Trail Alert:
      1. How does this verse apply to the “Hail Mary”?
      2. How does this verse apply to the Tongues?
      3. How does this apply to saying “the Lord’s Prayer” and “meal prayers”?
  6. This, then, is how you should pray: Jesus here gave His disciples a model for prayer, prayer marked by close relationship, reverence, submission, and trust and dependence.
  7. Our Father in heaven : have the relationship of child to loving father . Close, Intimate. This is the first recorded prayer (ever!) to address God as “Father”. Jesus is bringing a new covenant, a new relationship to God.
  8. hallowed be your name Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
    1. But we must resist the tendency to protect and promote ourselves first and instead put God’s name, kingdom and will first.
    2. Jesus wanted us to pray with the desire that the will of God would be done on earth as it is in heaven. In heaven there is no disobedience and no obstacles to God’s will; on earth there is disobedience and at least apparent obstacles to His will. The citizens of Jesus’ kingdom will want to see His will done as freely on earth as it is in heaven. (Luke 22:42)
    3. Say it with a heart of perfect love and trust: “Do Your will, because I know it is the best. Change me where I don’t understand or accept Your will.”How would this attitude change my prayers away from “personal peace and prosperity” prayers?
    4. One might rightly wonder why God wants us to pray that His will would be done, as if He were not able to accomplish it Himself. God is more than able to do His will without our prayer or cooperation; yet He invites the participation of our prayers, our heart, and actions in seeing His will done on earth as it is in heaven.
  9. give us today our daily bread  (a prayer for our Needs, not our Greeds) Why did Jesus not tell us to pray for “A lifetime supply of bread”?
  10. forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors  He illuminates this one with verses 14-15. If you don’t forgive others, you aren’t forgiven, because you haven’t really reached “bankruptcy of spirit” you are not “poor in spirit” and you don’t have the KoH
  11. lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one  We are weak. We should pray that God will deliver us from temptation, trial, and persecution... and we should trust that God will deliver us from those temptations. And don’t go searching for temptation!
  12. (verse present in later manuscripts, but probably not written by Matthew or actually said by Jesus) for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen.
  13. If you forgive... your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not... Forgiveness is REQUIRED of the forgiven. If my mind remembers the enormity of my sin-debt towards God, how can I get all bent about someone else’s sin-debt towards me? Mt18:21-35

  1. “When you give” When you pray” “When you fast” Jesus thought these actions were natural and assumed them for his disciples.
  2. Why fast?
    1. It reinforces in my mind, and my will that “I want Jesus more than food”, my spiritual needs are as important as my physical ones.
    2. It exercises the “self-control” muscle to become stronger. A fruit of the spirit.
    3. It creates an “alarm system” for prayer time... ie. when fasting, what should you do with the times you would normally be eating? Praying, that’s what!
    4. Fasting brings us closer to God. Clears the ears, so to speak
    5. God designed our bodies to be made healthier through occasional fasting.
  3. How to fast?
    1. Abstain from food (or something: internet, tv, caffeine, etc) for a period of time. BTW, the idea of a “Fast from sin” is ridiculous. As is a “fast” that isn’t hard to keep (ie. fasting from meat, during lent, on Friday(except fish) good-grief!)  Just like exercise, if it isn’t hard, it isn’t at all.
    2. the Pharisees fasted 2x week. They had sad faces and didn’t comb their hair, or bathe, so people would know they were holy... because you can’t exercise spiritual and legal control unless you are apparently righteous!
    3. Jesus said, “put oil on your head and wash your face so it won’t be obvious to people that you are fasting”  This means, go about your normal daily washing and have a normal face. Fasting should be sort of a secret... at least it is a very private thing... not to be shared among others.
    4. It should come from a pure heart... a heart desiring “your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”“ and starting in one’s own life.

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