Jesus on Wise Builders
The Carpenter of Nazareth teaches how to build a house
Matthew 7:24-29
The builders and their houses
- Therefore...Since it isn’t enough to say, “Lord, Lord”, you have to DO the will of God
- The Wise Builder: Hears Jesus and responds with action, changed heart, new Practices
Time and the storms of life will prove the strength of one’s foundation, even when it is hidden. We may be surprised when we see who has truly built upon the good foundation. “At last, when Judas betrayed Christ in the night, Nicodemus faithfully professed him in the day.” (Trapp)
- Jesus may have had in mind: When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation. (Proverbs 10:25)
- The House on the Rock: stands the test of life’s storms. It is strong and stable. This is a huge, temporal blessing that Christ offers the believer: that though life’s storms come, we will be secure. He is offering the thing we can never buy for ourselves: Security!
- The Foolish Builder: To hear is not enough, put into practice Christ’s lessons.
- “Put into practice”= to make something a practical reality. We are hear the words of Christ, and make them a reality in our lives... but who can do that with 100% fidelity?
- The House on the Sand: It crashes, obviously! But Jesus said it’s crash was great. We may hear a lot of spiritual words, we may SAY a lot of spiritual words... but if we are living without a close relationship of obedience to Christ, our life will be “unfit for habitation” and the inevitable storms of life will be too much for us to bear.
The crowds:
They were amazed...Duah! In verse 21 Jesus suggested that people would stand before the judgement seat and call him “Lord”. WOAH! Doesn’t that mean they were worshiping as God? Isn’t Jesus claiming deity here? and look in V 23: Jesus says HE will be the judge at Judgement Day! That is definitely a God-Claim. And finally: He says that we must hear the words HE speaks and put them into practice. He is not referencing the authority of scripture, saying, “Do what the Lord says, and has said in His Word.” No, Jesus says, “...but I tell you...”, and “...I never knew you...” and “... these words of mine...” No wonder the crowds were amazed! Jesus was saying in effect: I AM GOD! That is a claim you either have to believe, and be changed, or disbelieve and grab rocks to stone the blasphemer! (His disciples must have been freaking out!... “don’t say that! They will kill you!)
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